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Latest Behavior Articles

Dog Speak: The Language of Barking
At a recent public event I attended, the question asked most by companion dog owners was, "How do I get my dog to stop barking?" As professionals, of course, the first thing we want to do is ask more questions. "When does the dog bark?", "What time of day?", "What are they ...

Socializing Puppies to Other Animals
Dog guardians these days tend to be fairly aware of the crucial importance of socialization.
These include the interactions a young puppy will have with people in his/her immediate family, people outside the family, and people of all different ages and appearances, wearing all ...
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Running in Circles
By Jane Gerard
It is often stated that the relinquishment of dogs to animal shelters in Europe and the US is largely due to behavior issues (American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior, 2008; Miklósi, 2007).
I am saddened but not ...

The Art, Science and Ethics of Using Decoy Dogs
By Yvette Van Veen
Learning to work with a reactive, anxious or fearful dog is a challenging process. Dog owners especially struggle. They must learn new skills and execute them correctly, while working with a difficult, if not dangerous, ...

The Rollercoaster of Reactivity
By Mary Jean Alsina
Leash reactivity can be one of the most common (and embarrassing) problems dog owners deal with on a daily basis. It is also one of the most requested behavioral issues I work on with clients. Disapproving glances from ...

The Art and Science of Consent Testing
By Angelica Steinker
Consent testing is the process of observing a dog’s body language to see if he is fine with whatever environmental change has been presented to him. It can be used informally or formally. Informal use would be during ...

Knowledge for Life
Don Hanson reviews Puppy Socialization: What It Is and How to Do It by Marge Rogers and Eileen Anderson

Stuck in the Mud
By Lara Joseph
Mini, pocket and teacup are all adjectives used to describe pigs and are specifically designed to impart a certain image to any potential pet pig owner. What might one think of when one hears the word "mini?" 'Something ...

Happy Holidays…for Dogs too!
It can be so easy in all the madness and mayhem to overlook our dogs’ needs over the holiday period. Certainly, I always have an influx of inquiries at the beginning of a new year because a dog's behavior has regressed in some way.
Of ...

The Bigger Picture
By Morag Heirs
Within my day to day life as a canine professional, I am regularly asked for advice on cases where standard training approaches seem to be failing. In some of these cases, deafness or visual impairment is also part of the ...