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Latest Behavior Articles

Rethinking Dominance in Horses
By Dorothy Heffernan
In 21st century horse keeping, we require a range of behaviors from our horses. Some of these involve the horse staying near us and not leaving, such as grooming, tacking up, leading, waiting to have a head collar, halter or bridle put on, not moving away when we climb ...

Cats: In Crisis
By Dr. Liz Bales
America loves cats! In fact, we have more cats than dogs living in our homes. We currently live with more than 94 million cats, compared to 90 million dogs (Daily Dog Stuff, n.d.). Nearly half of all millennials have cats: 57% consider their feline friends as important as ...
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#iSpeakDog Campaign Aims to Bridge the Communication Gap Between People and Their Dogs
Global Educational Campaign and Website Launch the Week of March 27, 2017
WESLEY CHAPEL, Fla. - March 27, 2017 - To help improve the relationship people have with their dogs, The Academy for Dog Trainers, the Humane Rescue Alliance, The ...
The Right Touch
By Deirdre Chitwood
I especially enjoy practicing Tellington TTouch® on cats at the shelter as it gives me an opportunity to use my skills in a place where there are so many different cats with so many different issues, both behavioral and ...
Emotion or Reason: Influencing Clients!
Harvard psychiatrist, Helen Reiss, asks this pertinent question:
“Don’t we all want to be seen, heard and have our needs responded to; that’s the essence of empathy”.
Professor Reiss is referring to inter-human empathy within healthcare when ...
Using C-BARQ as an Assessment Tool
I accept behavioral cases within my dog training practice when I have the necessary education and experience to help, and I refer cases beyond my ability to other professionals. Gathering as much information about the dog in question is ...
Finding the Underlying Cause for Barking
Go to any online dog forum and the question will come up rather sooner than later: My dog barks, what should I do?
The advice then often starts with citronella or even shock collars, rattle cans, and other unpleasant devices such as high ...
Transparency in Training and Behavior
Those in the world of canine training and behavior know there is a wide gap between philosophy and methods employed by professionals, and even some rifts between professional organizations. It can be confusing for those of us in the field, and ...
Latent Learning: The Original Definition
Latent learning has a precise definition in learning theory and it’s not what many people think. It’s not magic learning that happens during downtime–at least not in the way people assume. It is not a sudden better performance after a break ...
The Words We Use!
The more I work as a behavior consultant, the more I realize how much we are all influenced by both the opinions and attitudes of those around us and, possibly more importantly, how the words we, and other people, use.
One of the challenges ...