BARKS Podcast with David Shade – August 1, 2018

Guest: David Shade of At Attention Dog Training; United States military veteran. Topics: Shade's articles in ...

“Did You Know Your Dog Barks All Day?”

By Julie Naismith “Did you know that your dog barks all day?” my neighbour asked me one day. The simple ...

You know you own a separation anxiety dog when…

By Julie Naismith Life with a separation anxiety dog differs from the ideal of dog ownership many of us have. ...

Mama Dogs Don’t Use Treats…..

By Yvette Van Veen Many people seem enamoured with the idea that we should emulate what dogs do in the wild.  ...

Encouraging Play and Activity with Newly Blind Dogs

By Debbie Bauer When a dog loses his or her sense of sight, their whole world changes.  There are many things ...

A Plug for Play

By Julie Naismith Just like humans, dogs need play time too. And one of the many beautiful things having ...

Does a Deaf (and Blind) Dog Need a Hearing Dog Buddy?

By Debbie Bauer Many people think that a deaf (or blind/deaf) dog needs to have a hearing dog to follow ...

The Science of Force-Free Learning: How Our Pets Learn!

Introduction Here at the Pet Professional Guild (PPG), we like to focus on building relationships with our pets by ...

A Change in Routine Can Be a Shock to the System for Dogs too

By Julie Naismith Dogs and novelty don’t always mix. Although many dogs breeze through change, anxious dogs ...

Quality of Life for Blind/Deaf Dogs

By Debbie Bauer I receive a lot of great ideas for new blog posts - Thank you so much for those.  I'm always ...

An Open Letter to Veterinarians on Referrals to Training and Behavior Professionals: Recommended Best Practices

Dear Veterinarian, There are numerous professional organizations that offer membership and credentials in the ...

The High and (Sometimes) Woes Of Puppy Parenting: What They Don’t Tell You!

By Joy Matthews So you’re getting a new puppy!  More exciting than all your birthdays put together; such ...