BARKS Podcast with Victoria Stilwell: April 23, 2021

BARKS Podcast with Victoria Stilwell: April 23, 2021

Join Niki Tudge and Victoria Stilwell of Positively as they chat about all things "positive." Listen to the ...
A New Trend in Dog Boarding

A New Trend in Dog Boarding

By Rachel Brix Pioneered by Dr. Hal Markowitz in the 1960s, enrichment originated from a focus on zoo animals. ...
BARKS Podcast: Expert Panel Discusses Sales in the Pet Industry

BARKS Podcast: Expert Panel Discusses Sales in the Pet Industry

        Join pet industry experts (above, left to right) Niki Tudge, founder and president of the Pet ...
BARKS News – April 2021

BARKS News – April 2021

Listen to the April 2021 edition of BARKS News! Highlights include: FREE member event Up Your Business Game! ...
Why You Should Avoid “Obedience” Training Tactics for Dogs and Consider this Alternative Instead

Why You Should Avoid “Obedience” Training Tactics for Dogs and Consider this Alternative Instead

By Animal Courses Direct Firstly, let’s look at the definition of obedience – ‘It is a form of social influence ...
BARKS Podcast with Dr. Karolina Westlund: April 9, 2021

BARKS Podcast with Dr. Karolina Westlund: April 9, 2021

Join Niki Tudge and Dr. Karolina Westlund of Illis Animal Behaviour Consulting as they discuss emotional ...
The Essence of a Dog: A Free Education from a Free Choice Walk

The Essence of a Dog: A Free Education from a Free Choice Walk

By Kristi Benson One cold day last spring, snow still clinging to the ground and ceding to the warm sun only on ...
A Safe Escape

A Safe Escape

By Dr. Lisel O’Dwyer The Adelaide Hills, South Australia have recently faced severe brushfires, an unfortunate ...
BARKS Podcast with Alex Pietraszko: March 26, 2021

BARKS Podcast with Alex Pietraszko: March 26, 2021

Join Niki Tudge and Alex Pietraszko, head of marketing for PPG corporate partner Animals Courses Direct, ...
The Itch to Scratch

The Itch to Scratch

By Andrea Carne  Regardless of whichever behavior issue I have been called upon to assist a cat guardian with – ...
BARKS Podcast with Dr. Dorothy Heffernan: March 19, 2021

BARKS Podcast with Dr. Dorothy Heffernan: March 19, 2021

Join Niki Tudge and guest Dr. Dorothy Heffernan as they discuss all things equine. Listen to the Podcast here on ...
Navigating the Storm

Navigating the Storm

By Mary Jean Alsina “I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning how to sail my ship.” - Louisa May Alcott Many ...