Front Door Freakout

Front Door Freakout

This article looks into a dog’s varied emotional states associated with doors and provides three strategies for ...
Just Say No to Saying “NO!”

Just Say No to Saying “NO!”

This article explains why shouting “NO” at your dog is ineffectual and counterproductive, and outlines what you ...
Teaching My Hound NOT To Hunt

Teaching My Hound NOT To Hunt

This article details how a dog obsessed with chasing squirrels learned, through repetition and reinforcement of an ...
Car Woes: A Tale of Botched Socialization

Car Woes: A Tale of Botched Socialization

This article tells the tale of Huckleberry, a dog fearful of riding in the car, and the importance of moving at ...

Burnout: When Trying to Do Good Makes You Feel Bad

You love dogs. Loved them all your life. I mean, like it’s a your religion. You read about dogs, write about dogs, ...

Making Peace with Muzzles

I’ll give you the moral of this story first: Make peace with muzzles. Be OK with dogs who wear them, applaud ...

Just Say No to Saying “NO!”

It’s almost a reflex. There goes Rover, in hot pursuit of the cat, or gnawing on the sofa, or slurping at your ...

Front Door Freakout

If you come to my house, brace yourself. You walk up the stairs, ring the doorbell. Suddenly...the shrieking of ...

Tired Dogs, Good Dogs, Dogs Being Dogs

“How much exercise does my dog need?” This question sounds straightforward enough, but peel it apart and you’ll ...

“Be NICE!”

If I’m a dog, and I’m on a leash, and another dog invades my space, I’m gonna growl. That’s just how I feel. Back ...

Korean Meat Farm Dogs Arrive without Much Baggage

In January the Humane Society International brokered a deal with a farmer in South Korea who had been raising dogs ...

Car Woes: A Tale of Botched Socialization

Poor shivering, quivering Huckleberry. Not because it's cold out; she couldn't care less about that. This is ...