Create Sensory Spaces for Dogs

An article from Australian Dog Lover on how to create a "sensory garden" for dogs was a nice escape from the ...

Dogs and Marshmallows

I've been interested in dogs and self-restraint for as long as I have trained dogs. So, several years ago, a ...

Career Aptitude Testing … for Dogs

What if there were a test that could tell you whether a dog would make a good assistance dog or detection dog or ...

Dogs Are Exceptional, Despite Attempts to Argue Otherwise

Headlines like this really bother me: Dog intelligence 'not exceptional.' Compared with what? How are you ...

Dogs CAN Learn That … and That, and That!

Do you know anyone who has more than one service dog because "one dog couldn't be taught to do all the tasks" that ...

“No-Kill” Shelters Are Not Enough

An article I read recently in the New York Times (online) talked about a downside of a heavy emphasis on no-kill ...

Managing Expectations

A wonderful Australian study published July 6 looks at the expectations of potential dog adopters and considers ...

Scents Can Help Dogs Relax

A small study published in May looked at the effects of four scents on dogs in a shelter kennel. The focus was ...

Onset of Noise Sensitivity Might Indicate Pain in Dogs

Older dogs who develop noise sensitivity might be in pain. Other behavior changes, like a normally friendly dog ...

Talking to Dogs

A newly published study finds that dogs pay attention to both the way we talk to them and to what we say. Alex ...

Teach Old Dogs New Games

A team of researchers at the Clever Dog Lab (oh, how I'd love to work there ...) at the Messerli Research ...

New Delta Rules Signal Tightening Up of Rules for Service, Emotional Support Animals

Updated Feb. 25 to reflect Delta's change: Travelers with trained service animals are encouraged, but NOT ...