So Easy to Miscue …

A few days ago, I heard a story on the radio about police dogs and their handlers. The reporter was talking to a ...

Dogs Are Better Partners to Humans Than to Other Dogs

The New York times recently published an article describing a study that compared dogs’ and wolves’ ability to ...

Prepare Clients for Potential Emergencies

As I write this, huge areas of Northern California are on fire. I lived in Sonoma County for a while and have many ...

No Magic Bullet

A recent New York Times article discussed growing skepticism of a common test that supposedly assesses dogs' ...

Do Helicopter Moms Impede Pups’ Success?

Talk about a tough graduate research assignment: Watching puppy videos. Where can I sign up? Seriously … it’s ...

Cognitive Dog Training

              I first started teaching about what I called cognitive dog ...

Service Dog Teams and Continuing Education

A few weeks ago, I was part of an amazing experience — the first-ever continuing education weekend seminar for ...

Do Dogs Use Tools?

More than fifty years ago, Jane Goodall made a discovery that shook some scientists — particularly those that had ...

Letting Go of Puppyhood Things …

When should a dog stop sleeping in a crate? Most people, when faced with this question, will think about ...

Where Do You Stand on Raw Diets for Dogs?

A recent Canine Corner post by Dr. Stanley Coren, a well-known writer on canine cognition, strongly suggests that ...

Thoughts on the Controversy over “A Dog’s Purpose”

A reader recently asked me what I think of the controversy over the movie A Dog's Purpose, particularly ...

Marshmallow Tests for Dogs

A guide dog partner, Deni Elliott, devised a dog version of the marshmallow test for her guide dog. She ...