No More Henrys

A headline a few weeks ago caught my eye: PetSmart, groomer are sued in death of dog. Obviously, this should ...

News Flash: Dogs Remember

Science has once again confirmed the obvious: Dogs can remember things. OK, maybe I am being a bit hard on the ...

That Loving Gaze

Oxytocin is a hormone that plays a role in social bonding, as implied by some of its nicknames: the love hormone, ...

What Most People Don’t Know About Dogs

It's easy to forget that most people don't know things that we might consider obvious about dogs. A friend was ...

Relationship Is Its Own Reward

A cardinal rule in education, dog training, anything where one person is trying to affect another's (person's or ...

A Crazy Quilt of Laws

I spent much of the day prepping for two short classes I am teaching on service dog access law. I am hoping to ...

It’s Official: Dogs Have Feelings

That dogs have feelings, emotions, and thoughts probably seems obvious to PPG members and readers of my Thinking ...

Prettier by Another Name

How much does a dog's breed matter, particularly when that dog is of mixed breed heritage? When people are ...

Getting to Know You …

I’ve worked in the service dog field for a long time — as a trainer and as an educator, teaching future trainers. ...

Look at the Whole Dog

In a class I’m teaching on dog communication, we recently discussed a study on how well people interpret dog ...

True Friends

It’s been a couple of years since Gregory Berns published his research that uses MRIs to show that dogs love their ...

There’s Nothing Simple about Dog Play

Dogs’ play behavior has, over time, been attributed to a variety of factors. It provides puppies practice for ...