Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes

This article was written by Barb Levenson BS and first published in BARKS from the Guild (2014, April) pp. ...

The Far Side Of Behavior Solutions

One of my favorite Gary Larson, Far Side cartoons, is a drawing of a girl reading a book about equine medicine ...

Are ‘Free-Shaped’ Dogs Better Problem Solvers?

A look at the criticisms of lure-reward training by Carmen LeBlanc MS ACAAB CPDT. First published in BARKS from ...

Don’t Stop That Behavior, Quit It!

In my “previous life” when I was a fitness and wellness trainer, I would coach my clients to making healthy ...

Cooperative Towel Drying Your Dog – Part 2

We introduced you to Cali the Jack Russell Terrier, one of our great clients, in a previous post. Cali is a true ...

A Simple Walk: Training a Puppy

There've been days this long, long winter — days when the sun hadn't been out in weeks, the wind was shrieking and ...

Cooperative Towel Drying Your Dog – Part 1

Meet Cali, the Jack Russell Terrier. Cali is a client's dog, who came to us for training after she bit three ...

From Bait Dog to Happy Pet

By Catherine Clark He is tall, dark and handsome. His name is Jacob. And he is a five-and-a-half year-old black ...

Don’t Buy That!

The other day I was not able to get out to buy groceries, so I asked a friend if he’d mind picking up some items ...

Bridging the Communication Gap

By Angelica Steinker This article was originally published on page 52-53 in the January 2015 edition of BARKS ...

How Does Matching Law Affect How We Train Our Obedience Skills?

written by Niki Tudge Much of what we do in everyday life is all about choices. At any given moment we can work ...

False Bravado: Reframing the Old Dog Training Myths

By Karen Deeds, CDBC If you work with dog owners or cruise the dog behavior groups on Facebook you will often see ...