If They Could March

re blogged from  Your Pit Bull and You If They Could March by Jean Donaldson If dogs could march on Washington, ...

Got Voice? Can Sing! The PPG Force-Free Boogie

Get into the force-free boogie. Sing along to the upbeat, toe- tapping, music about force-free training and PPG. ...

Why Would We Want to Be Pack Leaders?

By Niki Tudge There are so many inaccurate facts that need to be dispelled about dogs and the dog training ...

Choke, prong and shock collars can irreversibly damage your dog.

by Dr. Peter Dobias, DVM Read the full blog here Why can collars cause hypothyroidism and other health ...

PPG World Services Podcast February 2014

Nando and Donna interview Victoria Stilwell and Pat Miller. February 2014 [youtube ...

Take the Choke Out of Walking Your Dog!

by Niki Tudge April is designated Pet First Aid Awareness Month™ so I started thinking about the things  that pet ...

Coercion in Pet Dog Training Leads Dogs To a “Life of Quiet Desperation”

by Niki Tudge Scientifically we all acknowledge that negative and positive reinforcement in the scientific sense ...

The International Day of Celebration for Force Free Training and Pet Care

Join us for PPG's ICFF Day. A great celebration of Force Free Training and Pet Care programs. Great prizes to win ...