Tracking Training

By Jane Bowers Tracking is a fun activity many dogs can do and that most enjoy. Generally if a dog enjoys ...

Did you cause your dog’s separation anxiety?

By Julie Naismith “Is it my fault my dog has separation anxiety?” That’s the most common question dog owners ...

Teaching Deaf (and Blind) Dogs to Use Their Mouths Gently

By Debbie Bauer A common complaint among those who live with deaf (and blind/deaf) dogs is that they use their ...

An Open Letter To Pet Retailers Concerning The Availability of Pet Training and Management Devices That Deliver Electric Shock

In September 2017, the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) rolled out its Shock-Free Coalition, the key purpose of which ...

Cold Weather House Training

By Kelly Fahey This winter I have been getting some inquiries about puppies "backsliding" in their house ...

Separation anxiety: 7 reasons why you need to have strong support

By Julie Naismith Have you been out for a coffee recently? Did you spend the time chatting about your dog’s ...

An Open Letter to Pet Industry Representatives Regarding the Use of Shock in Animal Training, Management and Care: We now know enough to stop shocking our pets

Shocking pet dogs remains a common, if controversial, training practice worldwide. In this open letter, Pet ...

How to Teach Your Deaf (and Blind) Dog to Wake Up Gently

By Debbie Bauer There is a myth that deaf dogs can be "dangerous" because they will bite when they are startled ...

Why do food rewards win, but not for separation anxiety?

By Julie Naismith Rewards-based training is the best. Dogs love it because it’s fun and it doesn’t involve ...

An Open Letter to County Commissioners re: Consumer Transparency – the Methods Used in Animal Training, Care and Management Will Protect Pets, Their Owners, Local Residents and the Public at Large

By Susan Nilson and Niki Tudge Introduction: The Importance of Transparency between Clients and Service ...

Partying or panicking? How to be a separation anxiety sleuth

By Julie Naismith Dogs like company. They like being with us. I heard Dr. John Bradshaw say in a radio ...

How to Teach Your Deaf (and Blind) Dog to be Quiet

By Debbie Bauer I’m always amused when people find out my dogs are deaf. One of their first questions is, “Do ...