The Smartest Dog?

The other day, I got a good laugh reading the bumper sticker of the car in front of me: “My Dog Is Smarter Than ...

The Conscious Equestrian – Extinguishing Force From the Rider’s Repertoire

By Sara Richter CPDT-KA As an equestrian coach and riding instructor, most of the clients that I work ...

Things You Don’t Know

There are many myths and misconceptions about dog training, some of which are broadcast on TV or written in ...

Human Attitudes

I’m sure others might feel the same way as I have recently so I have decided to share this as I have found a ...

The Game Of Know, Not No!

Many years ago when I was first learning this “new” method called positive reinforcement training, even though my ...

Do Docked/Missing Tails Lead to Miscommunication in Dogs?

Are dogs with docked or missing tails vulnerable to miscommunication or misunderstanding by other dogs? Or do they ...

The Perfect Dog

I have the perfect dog. He doesn’t bark, “potty” in the house, chew on furniture, or do ANY undesirable dog ...

10 Steps for a Happy Office Dog

By Chantal Hughes We know there is a link between happiness in the workplace and increased productivity. And ...

Dining Experience

I’m not a fan of feeding dogs from bowls, as it doesn’t provide any type of enrichment. A bowl filled with food, ...

More Than Training; Examining both Parts of the Relationship

When we’re called out to training and behavior consultations it’s so easy to get completely focused on the ...

I Only Have Eyes For You!

One of my specialities is doing in-home training so that the human gets trained and then I highly recommend taking ...

Interpreting Feline Non-Verbal Communication

Jane Ehrlich examines the basics of feline body language. This article was first published in BARKS from the ...