Cats in Conflict

Jane Ehrlich examines some of the many types of feline aggression, one of the most common behavior problems in ...

Lives of Streeties – A Study on Free Ranging Dogs

This Christmas I gave myself a gift. I finally permitted myself to publish my study on street dogs in Bangalore, ...

Empathy for Human Learners

As I develop as a teacher I’ve been revisiting some of my experiences as learner, empathically engaging with my ...

A Revelation about Resolutions

Over the years, I’ve made many New Year’s resolutions to lose weight, get organized, read more, and hundreds of ...

Positive Is a Perception: Empathy to Understand the Perception of the Other

Two things happened to me recently that set me off thinking about positive reinforcement from the recipient’s ...

Do No Harm!

That maxim is one of the fundamental principles that health care providers are taught in school which roughly ...

Observational Skills For Empathy

As Jane Goodall pointed out in an article this week, story-telling is sometimes the best way to share ideas and ...

Seven Stages to a Bite

It’s sometimes good to remind ourselves of what our dogs are. Dogs are relatives of the modern day wolf, both ...

What You Think Is One Dog’s Punishment May Be Another Dog’s Fun Game!

I was first introduced to a positive reinforcement instructor many years ago when I adopted my shelter dog, ...

30 Reasons to Join the Pet Professional Guild

                        You may be ...

Do Cats Really Like Music?

By Jane Ehrlich According to a study by Snowdon et al., ‘cats may ignore human music—but they are highly ...

How To Bring Empathy into Practice?

Drawing empathy into our training practice is so important. As positive reinforcement training is involves ...