Case Study: Stress and Fights in a New Home Living with Another Dog

An elderly family member is no longer able to look after her dog, so her Cairn terrier Ben has gone to live with ...

Case Study: Puppy Joyfulness Lost, Tail Between Legs, Acts Cautious

Hettie is an adorable Cockerpoo puppy who is now 16 weeks old. For the first four weeks that Hettie was with ...

Case Study: Attack – The Best Form of Defense?

Just look at this dog! Isn’t she wonderful? Billie is a four-year-old Aylestone bulldog and her guardians have had ...

Case Study: Separation Distress, Insecurity and Panic When Away from His Owner

Darcy watches his lady owner all the time. When she’s out of sight he pants and he paces. Even when left at home ...

Case Study: Barks Aggressively at Dogs, Counterconditioning, Changing Emotions

On walks, Daniel the Deerhound Lurcher barks aggressively at other dogs. At home, he is a well-behaved, quite ...

Case Study: Over-Excited, Frustrated, Habituation and Freedom

Dylan is an enthusiastic, friendly young dog, if a little over-excited at times. He is beautiful, but someone ...

Practice? Liszt or Chopsticks

Years ago in another life I was a music teacher. In addition to class music lessons for many years, I also taught ...

Dogs Back Then…..and Now

I don't remember, here in England back in about 1954 (I was 10), ever seeing a dog on lead. I don't actually ...

Quick Fix or Never Fix

When someone first calls me for help, they usually hope their pet behavior problem will be resolved in a couple of ...

Does Size Matter?

A dog's size influences his or her behavior. We sort of know this don't we. What about people? Our stereotype ...

Treats or Bingos?

Traditionally, tidbits given to dogs outside their regular meals are labeled 'treats'. Pet shops sell 'treats' and ...

A Laser Light and OCD

It's really strange how it all started. My clients have had the little Bichon Frise for just a few weeks - he ...