The Prodigal Dog

It is so hard not to be cross when Rex runs off. You call him, and without even a backward glance he keeps on ...

What Does Citronella Really Do to a Dog?

My 'Paws for Thoughts' blogs are just what they say - thoughts. I don't profess to be an expert on my subject ...

Why Self-Control is Better than “Discipline”

The Oxford Dictionary defines 'discipline' as: 'The practice of training people to obey rules or a code of ...

How Best Not to Catch a Loose Dog

Stolen dogs are constantly in the news at the moment. Losing a dog is not always because someone has taken him, ...

Carrot or Stick? Is Compromise Ever Acceptable?

What if a client is so entrenched in his (or her) old-fashioned so-called "dominance" views that banging on about ...

The Curious Case of the Haunted Room

Sometimes, however many questions we ask, it's impossible to get to the bottom of just why a dog has developed a ...

We Can Argue over TV. Our Dogs Have to Put Up with It

To take this photograph I have been searching for a football match on TV - a first! Most of my PPG blogs arise ...

Dogs Scared of Men?

As Patricia McConnell says in a blog on her website: Why Dogs are More Afraid of Men, "people in the training ...

Humans Have Feelings Too

Most extreme behavior issues will take considerable time and work to resolve. The case of two of little dogs I ...


I am just back from ClickerExpo here in the UK and found the whole thing incredibly reinforcing. I gained a ...

Forcing Hugs on Dogs Amounts to Punishment

Imagine if somebody, particularly someone you didn't know, were to approach you directly, grab you and, despite ...

The Importance of Mental as well as Physical Stimulation

People, no matter how much they love their dog, sometimes don't consider how desperately bored and unfulfilled ...