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10 Steps for a Happy Office Dog

By Chantal Hughes We know there is a link between happiness in the workplace and increased productivity. And now, findings from research coming out of Virginia Commonwealth University in the USA reports that, “Man’s best friend may make a positive difference in the workplace by reducing ...

Are You Suffering From Compassion Fatigue, Stress or Burnout? Three Tips That May Help You!

by Niki Tudge The signs of work and personal time imbalance are unmistakable. Every day we hear of people in our industry suffering from poor health, burnout and stress. If you recognize the signs of imbalance in your own life, then you need to take action immediately and focus on achieving a ...

Stress-Free Holidays with Your Dog

Easter is just around the corner and what could be better than taking the dog for a short or long break. There is really nothing like a holiday with your four-legged best friend. However to have a stress free time, planning and preparation are essential. Choose a destination that provides ...

Professional Competency, Transparency and Accountability. Have You Got What It Takes?

Written by Niki Tudge There is much chatter within the pet industry about transparency, competency and accountability amongst professionals.  So let’s look at each of these individually and what they mean.   1. Transparency to me implies openness. Are you transparent in your business ...

Force-Free: Are You Getting the Correct Message Across?

Recently I learned of a trainer whose specialty is working with hunting dogs. For the purpose of this blog I will call him Bob, mostly because I like that name, and I like the trainer. The majority of hunting dog trainers use traditional methods, but several years ago Bob gave up the methods ...

The Top 7 Reasons You Absolutely Cannot Miss The Pet Professional Guild’s Annual Educational Summit

The Top 7 Reasons You Absolutely Cannot Miss The Pet Professional Guild's Annual Educational Summit 1. You Will Have Lots of Fun From the Welcome Reception, to Quiz Night, 'Munch and Learn' Merry-Go-Round and the Gala Dinner you will have more fun packed into a few short days than you thought ...

Trick Training Bloopers

I decided a while back to teach my dogs to cross their paws as a trick. I followed the instructions on one of Emily Larlham’s excellent videos: Dog Tricks Tutorial: Cross Your Paws. But I didn’t end up making the neat, quick progression shown in the movie when I tried it with my dog Summer. I ...

Why Do Dogs Eat Toilet Paper and Paper Products?

I am often asked why dogs eat toilet paper.  I would estimate that in every group dog training class I teach, it's asked at least once during the course. And during that inquiry, more than one person's dog eats toilet paper or paper towels, paper, paper plates, you get the picture. So, just ...