The magazine for force-free pet professionals

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The International Day of Celebration for Force Free Training and Pet Care

Join us for PPG's ICFF Day. A great celebration of Force Free Training and Pet Care programs. Great prizes to win while you have fun with your pets

Defining, Determining and Maintaining Best Practices within Our Force Free Organization.

Defining, Determining and Maintaining Best Practices within Our Force Free Organization. Written by Debra Milikan, Dip.ABST, Dip.DTBC, PABC.   The question of how one defines determines and maintains best practice is one that troubles individuals, organisations and professions alike.  In the ...

ICFF Day – Wow Look At The Prizes!

For some time now you have been hearing all about the Pet Professional Guild’s Virtual Event to celebrate force free training. What has not been so easy to find out about are the prizes!!! Well, look no further. For simply registering for the event you will automatically receive * A special ...