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What To Do If You Find a Lost Pet

What To Do If You Find a Lost Dog or Cat Have you ever been out and about and found a lost dog or cat? I'm sure if you have, your heart started to race thinking about how you would feel if your pet was lost. I just can't imagine what I would do if Dexter the dog got out of the house and was ...

Thinking Outside the (Litter) Box

By Marilyn Krieger Litter box avoidance is one of the most common reasons cats are surrendered to shelters and euthanized.  It is so sad and so unnecessary. Although the problem is hard to live with, it is also one of the easiest to solve.  Some of the solutions are simple — others are more ...

Letting Go of Puppyhood Things …

When should a dog stop sleeping in a crate? Most people, when faced with this question, will think about whether the dog can be trusted in the house unsupervised: Will she sleep through the night? Can I leave her alone without worrying that she'll chew on things? Does she know that she's ...

A Positive Outlook on Canine Aggression

It usually starts when I receive a call from a distressed client who informs me that their dog is, or has, suddenly turned 'aggressive.' They tell me their dog has 'challenged' them in some way: baring teeth, snarling, growling or may have even bitten (with various degrees of severity). ...

An Open Letter on Defining, Determining and Maintaining Best Practices within Our Force-Free Organization

Each year I am reminded of the importance of PPG's Guiding Principles and our ability to manage them on a daily basis. As I read through them yesterday I felt it would be a good reminder for each of us to read this article written by Debra Millikan DipABST, DipDTBC, PAB in 2012 on how ...

Is Calm Really Just Another Behavior?

What is the most difficult thing to teach our dogs? Coming back or a great recall? While I do agree that this is a difficult behavior, I do think teaching calm is much more difficult. Being calm is not the same as a cued ‘sit stay’ or ‘down stay’. Without becoming too airy fairy: Calm is ...

Electronic Containment System or Ambush Predator?

Much has been written about electronic shock (training) devices in their various forms. With all models a dog wears a collar fitted with an electronic device with two metal rods touching the neck of the dog, delivering electric shock. Delivery systems fall into three categories: 1) A person ...

How to Stop a Dog From Digging

Why do dogs dig? One of the questions I get a lot from my dog training clients is how to stop a dog from digging. This may be followed up with asking me why dogs dig in the first place. As with any dog behavior question, the answer can be summed up in two words, “it depends.” I know, probably ...