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Experts United: Breed Specific Legislation Does Not Work

The following is an excerpt from PPG's recently released Position Statement on Breed Specific Legislation. Countless animal welfare organizations and professional bodies worldwide have issued position statements that comprehensively refute the efficacy of BSL as a means of reducing dog ...

Real Food for Your Cat

It's food, folks. It doesn't have to be “people food,” it's REAL food. I'm not sure how people got into this people vs. pet food mindset. When feeding our beloved pets, including our cats, for optimal health and behavior, a fresh, wholesome diet can be a good alternative. That said, it is ...

What Canine Behavior Experts Say about Breed Specific Legislation

The following is an excerpt from PPG's recently released Position Statement on Breed Specific Legislation. Countless animal welfare organizations and professional bodies worldwide have issued position statements that comprehensively refute the efficacy of BSL as a means of reducing dog ...

Just Say “Agh, Agh!”

By Brad Waggoner CPTD CTP-KPA In a group class the other day, I witnessed a couple constantly using the vaguely buzzer-like noise “Agh! Agh!” with their dog in a harsh tone of voice. What they were attempting to do was tell the dog that he was doing something wrong, though it was easy to ...

Calling Dr. Google And Other Experts

I recently saw these words on a coffee mug: Please Do Not Confuse Your Google Search With My Medical Degree! And yes, these mugs can be customized for any profession, so I mused at how often I’ve been tempted to use those words when I hear the familiar “Well I looked on the internet about “dog ...

Dog Bites: Who Is Getting Bitten and Why?

The following is an excerpt from PPG's recently released Position Statement on Breed Specific Legislation. Statistics show that the majority of dog bites occur in children or the elderly. The results of a study by Dixon, Mahabee-Gittens, Hart and Lindsell (2012) assessing dog bite ...

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Breed Specific Legislation: Guesswork Based on Appearance

The following is an excerpt from PPG's recently released Position Statement on Breed Specific Legislation. BSL (also known as Breed Discriminatory Legislation) is a law or legal ordinance that restricts or prohibits the ownership of certain breeds (or types) of dogs. In places where BSL has ...