by PPGWorld | Jun 25, 2016 | Pet Guardians, Training
By Maureen Backman, MS, CTC, PCT-A of The Muzzle Up Project How wonderful would it be if dogs were conditioned to love wearing their muzzles early on so that if they needed to wear one later in life, it would...
by Louise Stapleton-Frappell | Jun 2, 2016 | Pet Guardians
Professional Pet Care requires knowledge, skills, individual competency and a high level of responsibility. I recently had the pleasure of attending and presenting at a 4-day workshop designed to do just that. In this blog post, I am going to …
by Louise Stapleton-Frappell | May 27, 2016 | Animal Behavior, Learning Theory, Pet Guardians, Training
Presenting: TrickMeister Reinforcement Strategies for Success! I can’t believe how quickly the second Pet Professional Guild’s Force-Free Summit is approaching! It doesn’t seem like two minutes since we were in Tampa attending the first Summit in...
by Sally Marchant | Apr 7, 2016 | Training
Dogs are naturally social, enjoying the company of other dogs and people. As a result, when you leave them, they may panic that they are alone, or they can simply get bored. Even if you are there all the time, …
by PPGWorld | Mar 4, 2016 | Animal Behavior, Pet Guardians, Training
I’m not a fan of feeding dogs from bowls, as it doesn’t provide any type of enrichment. A bowl filled with food, is typically devoured within a few minutes, and needless to say, there is no particular skill or challenge...