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Training ‘Thoughtfully’

Many of you will know that I think all training should be fun but science-based.  I teach all behaviors as ‘tricks’ because I believe that, in doing so, we set up both trainer and learner for success.  Whether teaching a …

Does Size Matter?

A dog’s size influences his or her behavior. We sort of know this don’t we. What about people? Our stereotype of a hyper and talkative person who is constantly on the move would be a small person, and a slow-talking, …

Just an Ordinary Dog!

My dog Jambo is a Trick Dog Champion. In fact, he was the first Staffordshire Bull Terrier to be awarded the Title. Jambo is an adorable, loving pet dog. Jambo is not an exceptional dog. He isn’t particularly athletic. He …

A Laser Light and OCD

It’s really strange how it all started. My clients have had the little Bichon Frise for just a few weeks – he came over from Ireland with an unknown past – and the young lady quite unwittingly bought him a …