by BARKS from the Guild | Feb 13, 2019 | Animal Behavior, Training
By Sandra Machado Johnny is five years old and he is a great kid. He is loving, does very well in school and absolutely adores his mom. One day he was playing in the park and was badly bitten by...
by BARKS from the Guild | Feb 4, 2019 | Animal Behavior, Training
By Tina Ferner Last week, I received a voicemail that a trainer NEVER wants to hear. It went like this, “Tina, this is Eileen. Dolly just killed Miley.” Dolly was a rescued mixed breed dog that weighed approximately 65 pounds...
by Anna Francesca Bradley | Dec 19, 2018 | Animal Behavior, Pet Guardians, Training
It’s nearly Christmas, traditionally the time of year when we look forward to enjoying lots of yummy food, time with our friends and family, hopefully a break from work and of course – pressies! Lots of us also think about …