by PPGWorld | Feb 12, 2018 | Advocacy, Animal Behavior, Learning Theory, Pet Guardians, Training
Dear Veterinarian, There are numerous professional organizations that offer membership and credentials in the field of animal training and behavior. Few, however, hold their members to a strict code of conduct which involves the application of their trade through...
by PPGWorld | Jan 12, 2018 | Advocacy, Animal Behavior, Learning Theory, Pet Guardians, Training
In September 2017, the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) rolled out its Shock-Free Coalition, the key purpose of which is to build a strong and broad movement committed to eliminating electric shock devices from the worldwide supply and demand chain. It...
by PPGWorld | Dec 12, 2017 | Advocacy, Animal Behavior, Learning Theory, Pet Guardians, Training
Shocking pet dogs remains a common, if controversial, training practice worldwide. In this open letter, Pet Professional Guild (PPG) combines decades of research, the opinions of certified animal behaviorists, and the question of ethics to explain why using electric...
by PPGWorld | Sep 23, 2016 | Advocacy, Pet Guardians, Training
PPG calls on pet industry professionals to take a stand on the use and application of shock in animal training, to work together to educate pet owners in humane, scientifically sound training methods, and to take shock off the table...