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Life Beyond Leash Reactivity

Life Beyond Leash Reactivity

As far as behavior consults go, it's fair to say that reactivity is probably my most commonly encountered issue. The term 'reactivity' has become, I feel somewhat of a buzzword over recent years but what I'm referring to in this post is dogs who are reactive on the leash when they encounter ...
Why You Should Avoid “Obedience” Training Tactics for Dogs and Consider this Alternative Instead

Why You Should Avoid “Obedience” Training Tactics for Dogs and Consider this Alternative Instead

By Animal Courses Direct Firstly, let’s look at the definition of obedience – ‘It is a form of social influence that involves acting on the orders of an authority figure.’ The word ‘obey’ is all over the internet when it comes to training dogs, and unfortunately, it is giving the wrong ...

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Retractable Leashes Are Risky

Judging by the number of people I see walking dogs with retractable leash devices on their dogs it appears the product is popular. They are also unsafe. As Dr. Karen Becker describes them “A retractable leash is not so much a leash as it is a ...

The Pet Professional Guild Position Statement on the Use of Shock in Animal Training

It is Pet Professional Guild’s (PPG) view that electric shock in the guise of training constitutes a form of abuse towards pets, and, given that there are highly effective, positive training alternatives, should no longer be a part of the ...

Encouraging Play and Activity with Newly Blind Dogs

By Debbie Bauer When a dog loses his or her sense of sight, their whole world changes.  There are many things that dogs can do without their sight, but dogs that started out sighted and are now blind are often confused and maybe even fearful ...

Clicker Training for Cats (5/6)

By Paula Garber and Francine Miller Introducing Cats to Each Other In a nutshell, cats should be gradually introduced to each other one sense at a time: first by scent, then by sight, and then physically. Throughout the process, positive ...

The Neurological Benefits of Counter Conditioning Leash Reactive Dogs

Creating new and better associations for dogs on leash when exposed to fearful/stressful stimuli is crucial, as it is better for all involved for the dog to be less stressed and less fearful. The goal is potentially a positive association is ...

A Plug for Play

By Julie Naismith Just like humans, dogs need play time too. And one of the many beautiful things having dogs has taught me is that you’re never too old to play. You might be asking: “But, where does play fit into separation anxiety ...

Added Brainpower!

Quite a 'buzzword' bandied around at the moment is 'enrichment', so here I'm going to take a look at what it actually means and involves. Enrichment? So lets start right there - what is enrichment? Put simply, enrichment is an all ...

Does a Deaf (and Blind) Dog Need a Hearing Dog Buddy?

By Debbie Bauer Many people think that a deaf (or blind/deaf) dog needs to have a hearing dog to follow around.  This is usually not necessary.  Although, if you do have a hearing dog, your deaf dog will watch him closely for cues to things ...