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Latest Behavior Articles

Do “Carbon Copy” Dogs Exist?

We love our dogs so much, but sometimes there is that one dog who just sort of raises her head just that little bit above the parapet and eats her way into our heart that bit deeper. Or maybe we've battled more with that one dog to overcome behavioral or medical struggles...It’s not always ...

Respect, Routines and Redirection

By Andrea Carne  Dear Diary, day 10 of quarantine and the human is STILL sitting in my spot … Over the past few months, your social media has no doubt been filled with a host of funny memes depicting the plight of cats reluctantly having to endure the presence of their humans 24/7. While ...

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Teaching the TrickMeister Way!

How important is it to teach your canine companion what you would like them to do? I believe it is extremely important but what is even more essential is that you teach in a way that doesn't cause any stress; that you teach in a way that is ...

Just Say No to Saying No

“Can I say no to my dog?” is a question I often hear from new clients. My short answer is “Yes, you can use any word or sound you please in training.” Pavlov proved that long ago. The problem is in the way dog owners use “no” and whether it ...

Interpreting Feline Non-Verbal Communication

Jane Ehrlich examines the basics of feline body language. This article was first published in BARKS from the Guild, March 2015, page 26 Keep an eye on your cat's body language to know what he/she is thinking and feeling. To that end, here is ...

True Friends

It’s been a couple of years since Gregory Berns published his research that uses MRIs to show that dogs love their humans. Now, British and Brazilian researchers have published a paper showing that dogs recognize our emotions as well. Sure, dog ...

Cats in Conflict

Jane Ehrlich examines some of the many types of feline aggression, one of the most common behavior problems in cats, and tries to shed some light on this complex issue. This article was first published in BARKS from the Guild, March 2015, ...

Lives of Streeties – A Study on Free Ranging Dogs

This Christmas I gave myself a gift. I finally permitted myself to publish my study on street dogs in Bangalore, India. I have been working at it for a year and I am thrilled to present it finally. The idea for the study was sparked when my ...

Happy New Year! Happy New Life!

First impressions are often lasting ones and so it was with my first behavior case involving a two-year old Australian Shepherd named Ranger. He was in the custody of a breed rescue and was deemed beyond hope. Ranger was destined for euthanasia ...

One of the Most Important Things to Teach Your New Puppy

By now, your new puppy is adjusting well to his new family. You probably already have started him in a good, positive puppy training class. After all, you have heard time and time again, that you should be socializing your puppy. Puppy ...