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That Tickles!

Many, many years ago I enrolled in what seemed like a fun weekend workshop with my dog. The ad read, “No limits to learning” or something similar, so of course, I jumped at the chance to attend with my dog. As we sat in the small room with other dog owners, you could feel the excitement build ...

How to Lift, Medicate Your Dog

Report from PPG's Four-Day Pet Care Technician Certification Program Workshop (Part Seven of Eight) In this post we will take a look at Rebekah King's day three presentation, Canine and Feline Health Health & Handling which included common canine diseases; recommended canine vaccination ...

What is Force-Free Ethical Pet Care?

Report from PPG's Four-Day Pet Care Technician Certification Program Workshop (Part Six of Eight) In this post we will take a look at part two of PPG president Niki Tudge's presentation, What is Force-Free Ethical Pet Care? Caring for Pets, Protocols & Procedures. Tudge began by ...

Relationship Is Its Own Reward

A cardinal rule in education, dog training, anything where one person is trying to affect another's (person's or dog's) behavior is that the trainee determines what the reward or motivator is. If I am not interested in food, I am not going to work hard for it, no matter how tasty you think it ...

Desensitizing a Dog to New Equipment, Toys

Report from PPG's Four-Day Pet Care Technician Certification Program Workshop (Part Five of Eight) This is part of a series of blogs in which we will share a few of the highlights from day two of PPG's recent workshop and my presentation on Pet Care Tools, Equipment and Toys – a study of ...

The Anatomy and Physiology of Pet Care

Report from PPG's Four-Day Pet Care Technician Certification Program Workshop (Part Four of Eight) This is the fourth in a series of eight blogs in which we will share a few of the highlights from day two of PPG's recent Certified Pet Care Technician workshop, and Rebekah King's ...

Are Cats Just Like Us?

By Beth Adelman MS My husband and I spent the entire spring laughing every time we saw an ad for the movie Keanu that showed an impossibly adorable kitten dressed up like a gang member. Now we are also laughing at the ads for The Secret Life of Pets, which, like virtually all animated ...

The Art of Reading Dogs

Report from PPG's Four-Day Pet Care Technician Certification Program Workshop (Part Three of Eight) This is the third in a series of blogs in which I will endeavor to share a few of the highlights from PPG's recent Certified Pet Care Technician workshop along with some of my own personal ...