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10 Steps for a Happy Office Dog

By Chantal Hughes We know there is a link between happiness in the workplace and increased productivity. And now, findings from research coming out of Virginia Commonwealth University in the USA reports that, “Man’s best friend may make a positive...

Dining Experience

I’m not a fan of feeding dogs from bowls, as it doesn’t provide any type of enrichment. A bowl filled with food, is typically devoured within a few minutes, and needless to say, there is no particular skill or challenge...

Look at the Whole Dog

In a class I’m teaching on dog communication, we recently discussed a study on how well people interpret dog body language. The study, Description of the behaviour of domestic dog by experienced and inexperienced people, was published in Applied...

Compulsivity and the Dog

Since humans are unable to ascertain the aspect of a disorder in an animal that deals with obsessing, animals are not generally given the diagnosis of OCD. However, it is completely possible that a pet can have a compulsive disorder.…