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Cats in a Dog’s World

Cats communicate in a variety of ways. Those of us who are most familiar with canines can often have difficulty differentiating the signals that cats send in attempts to communicate their intent. While many of us prefer to work with …

Observational Skills For Empathy

As Jane Goodall pointed out in an article this week, story-telling is sometimes the best way to share ideas and information.   So, I thought I’d share an experience I had with a brilliant trainer utilising her empathic observation on me …

How To Bring Empathy into Practice?

Drawing empathy into our training practice is so important. As positive reinforcement training is involves multiple choices (such do we shape, capture or lure this behavior? What sort of reward should we choose; food or something else?   What is our...

Humans Have Feelings Too

Most extreme behavior issues will take considerable time and work to resolve. The case of two of little dogs I went to a few weeks ago, was very unusual in that the dramatic change was virtually instant. It was all …