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How to Become a Better Animal Trainer

How to Become a Better Animal Trainer

By Karolina Westlund Ph.D. of PPG corporate partner Illis Animal Behaviour Consulting It took me years to realize this, but there are some approaches that really propelled my learning about animal behaviour management in general, and animal training specifically. Here are the four tactics ...
Managing an Aggressive,  Fearful, or Reactive Dog

Managing an Aggressive, Fearful, or Reactive Dog

By Don Hanson When you have a dog that is exhibiting aggressive behavior, you have a responsibility to keep yourself, your family, your pets, and your community safe. A dog that is behaving aggressively is experiencing some form of emotional stress, so it is your responsibility to identify ...

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It is Unwise to Say, “Just Ignore the Problem Behavior!”

By Niki Tudge Last week, while perusing my Facebook news feed while I drank my morning coffee, I came across a link to a blog advocating for force-free dog training methods.  This short blog had a video link which was showing a dog trainer ...

Do Helicopter Moms Impede Pups’ Success?

Talk about a tough graduate research assignment: Watching puppy videos. Where can I sign up? Seriously … it’s been done. A research team watched hundreds of hours of video of puppies interacting with their moms. The goal was to evaluate how ...

“Naughty” Dog Or Normal Dog?

I've lost count as to how many times I've heard that Fido is 'really naughty,' 'he's doing it deliberately,' 'he's trying to spite me,' or, if an owner has more than one dog, 'they're trying to gang up on me!' But are these labels in any way ...

Having a Bit More Fun with Our Dogs

When I got my first dog as a child no one in the family knew much about dogs, puppy preschool classes were unheard of and the average dog just somehow became part of the family. My father mainly got the dog because I probably pestered him for ...

So Tell Me What You Want, What You Really Really Want: Nine Ways Preference Testing Can Go Wrong

  What’s your favorite color? Do you prefer pie or ice cream? Which shirt do you like better: the striped one or the solid green one? Most of us have been asked our preferences since we were children. Sometimes we are being asked to ...

Does Breed Specific Legislation Work?

Recently a dog incident occurred in the tiny northern village of Plain, Wisconsin. As reported by TV news in the southern part of the state, a lady was walking her dog when three Pit Bulls escaped their home and rushed up to her. The lady ...

Labels and Limitations…..

By Kamal Fernandez Do you have a nickname for your dog? I mean, an endearing title or word that describes or captures who they are? This can often be a positive thing… all of my dogs, have a ‘second name’, that I often use to reference them… ...

Dog Car Safety: Help – An Escapee!

  Recently, my nephew and I saw a dog running down a busy main road. She was very lucky as between us we managed to redirect her down an alleyway away from all the traffic and eventually I got her to come near enough to me so that I ...