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Muzzles Schmuzzles…Not “Just Another Piece of Kit!”

Saying the word “muzzle,” suggesting the use of and/or using one, or seeing a dog wearing one can have negative connotations for some. But why? Perhaps because we have become used to seeing guard dogs or so-called aggressive dogs wearing them. They are used by the military, armed forces and ...

Quick Cat Behavior Tip: Petting-Induced Aggression

By the Pet Professional Guild Cat Committee Petting-induced aggression is a commonly reported feline behavior issue whereby adoring owners often find themselves at a loss to understand why their beloved kitty is so accepting of their affection one moment, only to go completely on the ...

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Taming the Dreaded Oreckosaurus Rex

Some dogs run and hide at first sight of the vacuum cleaner or unleash a barrage of barking, lunging and biting at the dreadful thing. Others quickly identify the vacuum cleaner’s lair and the fear response begins as soon as the person reaches ...

Observational Skills For Empathy

As Jane Goodall pointed out in an article this week, story-telling is sometimes the best way to share ideas and information.   So, I thought I’d share an experience I had with a brilliant trainer utilising her empathic observation on me a few ...

You Don’t Have to Go Through the Door Before Your Dog!

  When Annie Phenix of Phenix Dogs recently mentioned to me that the “door myth” is still alive and well, I got to wondering what that actually would look like. The advice to always precede your dog through the door is propagated by ...

What You Think Is One Dog’s Punishment May Be Another Dog’s Fun Game!

I was first introduced to a positive reinforcement instructor many years ago when I adopted my shelter dog, Freddie, an adolescent dog who was very enthused about EVERYTHING! As the instructor explained how to reinforce our dogs, and even as I ...

Learning Becomes Almost Effortless

An excerpt from an upcoming article in BARKS from The Guild. Why do I love teaching tricks and why do my dogs love learning them? Why would you want to teach your dog tricks? What are tricks, anyway? How old should your dog if you want them ...

30 Reasons to Join the Pet Professional Guild

                        You may be wondering what exactly are the benefits of joining a member organization such as PPG so we've decided to help you out by listing a mere ...

Teaching Thinking Dogs

A study that was published recently by an Oregon State University researcher compared wolves with dogs … and many people reading the conclusions appear to have understood the study to mean that we teach dogs to be stupid. The study tested ...

Will Your Halloween Be Fun or Scary?

Halloween can be a fun time for the entire family, including the family dog, or it can be a scary, and sometimes even a dangerous situation. Think about it for a moment from your dog's perspective. Loud, screaming, running monsters, rushing up ...