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Goals in Dog Training: Outcome or Behavior – Which Do You Control?

By Niki Tudge One of the most common mistakes we see dog training professionals make is to try to impart their goals upon their clients. For example, you may feel that pet dogs should behave in a certain way, have specific skills, do certain tasks or not do other things such as climb on ...

PPG Summit 2020 Sessions: Tell Me Who You Are – Understanding the Individual Dog

BARKS presents session details from PPG's 2020 Summit and Workshops in Phoenix, Arizona Session Details: Presenter: Suzanne Clothier Session Title: Tell Me Who You Are - Understanding the Individual Dog Session Type:Lecture/LAB - 8 handler/dog teams (1.5 Hours) Each dog presents a unique ...

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How Force-Free Training Helped Save My Dog’s Life!

Written by Louise Stapleton-Frappell Yesterday I shared a post on Facebook about Pamela Johnson's "Rattlesnake Avoidance Training Using Force-Free Methods," a Pet Professional Guild webinar. (You can register and watch the webinar ...

PPG World Service Radio Show Launches with Trial Podcast

PPG World Service is the official international e-Radio web-casting arm of The Pet Professional Guild. The mission of PPG World Service is “Global News & Views on Force-Free Pet Care” and will serve as an advocacy forum for force-free dog ...

Positive Reinforcement Training Tips

They don’t call them “man’s best friend” for nothing!  Domestic dogs have for thousands of years lived with humans in various capacities, from aiding in hunting to protecting livestock. In order to perform these functions, dogs learned to ...

Sheepherding, from the Lamb’s Perspective (Part One)

Sheep herding is a wonderful way for a handler and a dog to work together as a team in a time-honored tradition going back hundreds of years.  Herding is the process of moving livestock by using a dog, such as a border collie.  It requires ...

“Be NICE!”

If I’m a dog, and I’m on a leash, and another dog invades my space, I’m gonna growl. That’s just how I feel. Back the heck off, pal! I can’t get away from you, on account of I’m on a leash! That means you need to get away from me. Please and ...

Socializing a Formerly Feral Dog

When I started this blog, I assumed that I would write a lot about Clara’s training. Clara burst into my life as a 10 week old feral puppy [see note at end about feral dogs], and her socialization window was in the process of closing by the ...

Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes

This article was written by Barb Levenson BS and first published in BARKS from the Guild (2014, April) pp. 26-27. Are you shouting cues or asking your dog for behaviors with a soft tone of voice? In a beginner rally class one night, I had an ...

The Far Side Of Behavior Solutions

One of my favorite Gary Larson, Far Side cartoons, is a drawing of a girl reading a book about equine medicine with the caption, “Doreen breezes through her first semester of veterinary school.” The page shows a long list of possible horse ...