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A Laser Light and OCD

It's really strange how it all started. My clients have had the little Bichon Frise for just a few weeks - he came over from Ireland with an unknown past - and the young lady quite unwittingly bought him a laser light thinking that he would enjoy chasing it. Just a few seconds triggered ...

Listen To The Opening Address at The PPG Summit – Tampa, 2015

A few of the most important points I felt were covered in my opening address at PPG’s First Educational Summit in Tampa, FL. Click here to listen to the full 19 minutes. • I reflected on the sometimes rocky but never boring journey it has taken over the last four years to get PPG to where it ...

Learning from Real Dogs

I read a lot of academic studies of dogs. My students often enjoy dissecting these studies and figuring out better ways to investigate the same questions. Oftentimes, their ideas come from their extensive observation of real dogs doing real dog things — with other dogs. Researcher and writer ...

Keeping Thanksgiving Fun and Safe for Your Dog

Thanksgiving can be such a special day, full of family, friends, and if you're like me, the family dog. It is a day to show gratitude for everything you have. For many, it's a time for large family gatherings, football, excitement, and loads of good food. Thanksgiving can also be a time of ...

The Shocking Truth

With recent events in Scotland regarding so called e-collars (the 'e' stands for electronic), the debate has been heating up. I thought I would take this opportunity to air a few suggestions to some of the statements that are being made. There appears to be some serious misconceptions and ...

Taming the Dreaded Oreckosaurus Rex

Some dogs run and hide at first sight of the vacuum cleaner or unleash a barrage of barking, lunging and biting at the dreadful thing. Others quickly identify the vacuum cleaner’s lair and the fear response begins as soon as the person reaches to open the closet door. Cleaning house soon ...

Observational Skills For Empathy

As Jane Goodall pointed out in an article this week, story-telling is sometimes the best way to share ideas and information.   So, I thought I’d share an experience I had with a brilliant trainer utilising her empathic observation on me a few years ago. Some years ago I acquired a rather ...

Seven Stages to a Bite

It’s sometimes good to remind ourselves of what our dogs are. Dogs are relatives of the modern day wolf, both having evolved from a common ancestor. Is it not fascinating that when we chose to domesticate an animal, we chose a predator and welcomed him into our homes. Irrespective of the ...