The magazine for force-free pet professionals

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Pet Professional Guild Launches Force-Free Dog Training Program at New Educational Facility

The Pet Professional Guild (PPG) has launched the first in a series of practical force-free dog training workshops and educational seminars at the new Canine Behavior Center on King Lake in Wesley Chapel, FL. The first workshop took place 27 – 28 September, 2014 at the state-of-the-art dog ...

Multiple Dogs Create Joy and Challenges

For many of us, dogs are like potato chips, you can't just have one. Living with multiple dogs can be joyous and chaotic. For 3 years, I had 3 dogs. The dogs, Dale, Jesse and Rio, got along fine for the most part. Dale was firmly in charge of our household. She was the play police, making sure ...

The Best Laid Plans: Adding a New Dog to the Fold

How to introduce a new dog or cat to a home with resident pets has been well-documented by many an expert. Personally, I have done it successfully so many times over the years I rarely bat an eyelid when another creature needs a place to stay. So bringing home dog #5 wasn’t really much cause ...

Forcing Hugs on Dogs Amounts to Punishment

Imagine if somebody, particularly someone you didn't know, were to approach you directly, grab you and, despite your resistance, squeeze and rub him/herself against you, what would you do? Struggle to escape? Shout at them? Call for help? Slap them? I'm sure you would be very fearful of what ...

Pet Professional Guild Promotes Force-Free Training Methods for Hearing Impaired Dogs

Tampa, FL – In line with Deaf Dog Awareness Week taking place from 21–27 September, 2014, the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) is highlighting the message that deaf dogs respond equally as well as their hearing counterparts to force-free training. According to the Deaf Dog Action Fund, deafness ...


When was the last time you heard "my dog is dominant" or "my dog is trying to be dominant with (fill in the blank)" or "my dog doesn't see me as the dominant one"? Dominance in dogs is scientifically proven to be a myth. The AVSAB (American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior) in its ...

Ten Questions to Ask Your Dog Training Professional – Before You Hire Them!

Ten Questions to Ask Your Dog Training Professional - Before You Hire Them! What dog training equipment do you use when training a dog or do you recommend I use? A force-free professional trainer will recommend using equipment that has been designed with a dog's safety in mind. While ...

PPG Responds to American Kennel Club’s Backtracking on the Use of Shock in Dog Training

In the light of a recent study stating that – unsurprisingly - electronic training collars present a welfare risk to pet dogs, The Pet Professional Guild (PPG) was delighted to hear American Kennel Club Vice President Gina Dinardo speak out in favor of positive reinforcement training methods ...