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Banking the Positive

Banking the Positive

'Banking the Positive' is actually a comment I wish I could take credit for, but it's actually something one of my clients said. She came up with it during a conversation we were having about her dog during some walk and train sessions. The phrase perfectly captures several concepts ...
The Power of Play

The Power of Play

By Margo Patrick *This post is a selected entry from the Pet Professional Guild Writers’ Competition for Geek Week 2020* My goal is to educate and facilitate health, wellness and communication through building or repairing the relationship known as the human animal bond, utilizing ...

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Just Say No to Saying “NO!”

It’s almost a reflex. There goes Rover, in hot pursuit of the cat, or gnawing on the sofa, or slurping at your dinner plate, or barking threats at squirrels...and we just need it to STOP, so we shout “NO!” Then one of several things happens: ...

Pet Professional Guild celebrates launch of Shock-Free Coalition with week of events, summit ticket giveaway

Successful first week for global initiative that seeks elimination of electric shock devices in animal training, consumer transparency for pet guardians seeking professional advice TAMPA, Fla. - Oct. 2, 2017 - PRLog -- The Pet Professional ...

No Magic Bullet

A recent New York Times article discussed growing skepticism of a common test that supposedly assesses dogs' aggressive tendencies. The test uses a fake hand, called an Assess-A-Hand, to "determine" whether a dog will be aggressive in ...

Pet Professional Guild launches Shock-Free Coalition to end use of electric shock as training tool for pets

Initiative calls for the worldwide elimination of shock devices in animal training, care, management, and behavior modification; seeks consumer transparency for pet owners seeking professional advice The Pet Professional Guild (PPG) has ...

Ping Pong Recalls

When I ask new puppy owners 'what are the most important objectives for you and your new pup?' you can bet that right at the very top of that list is 'I want to be able to let my dog off lead and for her to come back when called!' I think ...

Using Annoying or Scary Sounds for Dog Training

Let’s pretend you saw an ad for a new dog training product. It read something like this: Introducing the Noise-Aided Obedience Device (NOD)! Never have trouble with your dog again. When you jerk or flap the lead attached to your dog’s collar or ...

Professional Training and Pet Sitting

As a professional dog trainer and behavior consultant I developed a working relationship with hundreds of families over the years, and many pet owners have asked for my recommendation when they needed a pet sitter or dog walker. This often ...

Front Door Freakout

If you come to my house, brace yourself. You walk up the stairs, ring the doorbell. Suddenly...the shrieking of a hundred banshees? Maybe an exorcism in progress? Or fiery-eyed, froth-mawed Cerberus guarding the gates of Hades? Nope. It’s ...