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Shock-Free Coalition Launches Pledge Drive to Educate Pet Professionals and Guardians on the Risks of Using Shock as a Training Tool

Initiative will offer an array of educational prizes as incentive for participants to share their knowledge with fellow professionals, clients and pet owners and recruit signees TAMPA, Fla. - March 2, 2020 - PRLog -- The Shock-Free Coalition, a global advocacy program spearheaded by the Pet ...

Quick Cat Behavior Tip: Counter Surfing

By the Pet Professional Guild Cat Committee Important Reminders about the Behavior Getting up high is a natural feline behavior that enables cats to survey their territory and feel safe. Other reasons cats might jump onto counters include to obtain food, look out a window, get ...

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These Snoots Were Made for Walking

Walking a dog is good exercise. True or False? Wait! Before you answer, realize this question actually has a couple questions buried beneath its surface. One is, what KIND of exercise? Are you fixated on the physical aspect and overlooking the ...

“Trick” is a Very Powerful Word!

Why do I like doing “dog tricks” with my dogs Tessa and Jambo and why do I think everyone should do them with their dogs? Reason no.1: Doing dog tricks is my way of “training” my two dogs, Jambo and Tessa. It’s simple really, I like ...

Electronic Pet Fences: What You Need to Know

Electronic fences, e-fences, radio fences, Invisible Fences™, pet containment fences: they all amount to the same thing. A system where your dog wears a radio controlled electronic collar that shocks him whenever he crosses a certain ...

Drill-Sergeants Not Needed

I’ll never forget the first (and only) time I ended up in a law suit. It was many years ago and I was young and terrified. I had given my landlord a 28 day notice to vacate my apartment, but a 30 day notice was the law. In his complaint, the ...

Get the Best From Your Pet

I read a great quote the other day from a book titled Bringing Out the Best in People by Aubrey Daniels. Here he is talking about positive and negative reinforcement: "It is important to know the difference, because the characteristics of ...

Positive Reinforcement Training and a “Strong” Dog

You have a “strong” dog so you must need to use lots of force to control them, right?   Wrong. Using positive reinforcement is not only based on science, it is also a fast, effective and fun way of teaching your dog new behaviors. It ...

The Importance of Mental as well as Physical Stimulation

People, no matter how much they love their dog, sometimes don't consider how desperately bored and unfulfilled some dogs get if they have little exercise or outlet for his/her breed instincts. People in particular who have not lived with ...

Choke Is No Joke

Recently there was a great blog posted to the Pet Professional Guild called Why Prong Is Wrong. I am a big fan of the author, Diane Garrod. Diane is an awesome positive dog trainer, behavior consultant and one of the most passionate people I ...