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PPG Summit 2020 Sessions: Foundation Training Skills to Prepare Dogs for Future Learning After Adoption

BARKS presents session details from PPG's 2020 Summit and Workshops in Phoenix, Arizona Session Details: Presenter: Emily Larlham Session Title: Foundation Training Skills to Prepare Dogs for Future Learning After Adoption Session Type: Arizona Humane Society Workshop (1.5 Hours) When ...

Tell Us What You Really Think

By Susan Nilson and Angelica Steinker  Amongst dog trainers and enthusiasts, Dr. Gregory Berns is probably best known for his pioneering work that specializes in the use of brain imaging technologies to gain a greater understanding of canine motivation and decision-making. For the last ...

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Why Self-Control is Better than “Discipline”

The Oxford Dictionary defines 'discipline' as: 'The practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience.' The word 'discipline' not only carries with it the baggage of "force" and ...

Tired Dogs, Good Dogs, Dogs Being Dogs

“How much exercise does my dog need?” This question sounds straightforward enough, but peel it apart and you’ll find it has several layers. Inquiring dog owners crave reassurance that they’re doing right by their dogs, meeting their needs. ...

Six Myths about Positive Reinforcement-Based Training

Positive reinforcement-based training is subject to a lot of misunderstanding and misrepresentation. Many people genuinely don’t understand how it works, and others seem to deliberately misrepresent it. Some of these misunderstandings and ...

Sheepherding, from the Lamb’s Perspective (Part Two)

Following my first interview with the lambs I was intrigued and felt even more determined to understand the experience of sheepherding from their perspective, so the next time Renee brought Chris and Rue to practice I went into covert “sheep ...

Laying the Foundations

This article was written by Barb Levenson and first published in BARKS from the Guild, July 2014, pp. 24-26. I was attending an agility trial recently and was sitting by the crating area massaging my dog. A couple sitting behind me had two ...

BARKS Podcasts – Teach Me Force-Free

Teach Me Force-Free  If you're gonna teach me, teach me force-free  People can be good and kind and that's a great philosophy  I can flourish, I can learn if you'll just help me  Show me, guide me, be my friend and train me happy  I can be the ...

Can you FIX my dog?

When clients contact me, they often ask, "Can you fix my dog?" It has become something I smile about now, but nonetheless a pet peeve.  There's nothing wrong with the word itself, but let's take a look at it applied to a living, breathing ...

Very Clear on the Concept

Jana started learning concepts and putting things into categories way back when she was a puppy, before Chaser was even born. Chaser is the most famous “categorizing” dog; she has learned the names of well over 1,000 items and can group them ...